As the number of confirmed cases worldwide is continuously rising so does the number of recoveries. Health expert says that there are about 80% of COVID-19 cases are mild that doesn’t need hospital care. Most people can ride out the disease and make a full recovery from their homes. Here’s what you need to know on how long does it take to get over the virus and when can you stop isolating yourself.
How Does The Body Fight Off The Coronavirus Disease?
As the virus reproduces, the host cells in the body are attacking it. Your immune system will begin to make antibodies to fight the disease. During an immune response, a substance called pyrogen is released and it causes a fever that helps you fight infection. The symptoms of coronavirus will continue until your immune system will prevent it from reproducing in your body.
How Long Does It Take To Recover?
Recovery from the coronavirus disease might be slow according to our health experts. In mild cases, people infected might recover 1-2 weeks while the serious case might take 6 weeks or more.
How Long Are You Contagious?
It is not yet known how long a person is contagious once they tested positive for the new coronavirus disease. There are different studies that show that they have found out people were at low risk of being contagious 10 days after they started being ill. Another study says that the virus can stay in the body for a week to 37 days and the presence of the virus in the body doesn’t mean that the person is still contagious. Also, it is fine to return to your usual activity as long as it has been a week since your symptoms began, 3 days have passed without fever, and other symptoms are improving.
How To Feel Better?
There is no treatment yet for the coronavirus disease. Although, you can stay at the hospital for treatment and they will give you medicines that may shorten your recovery. Some of the things you can do for fast healing are the same as how you might take care of a bad cold or flu.
- Eat healthy foods: Fuel your body with the nutrients and vitamins if you feel like eating, it needs to help you get better. Limit your intake of sugary and highly processes foods such as sodas and cookies. If you don’t have an appetite, you don’t need to force yourself to eat.
- Lower your fever: To lower your fever you can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen if you have body aches or high temperature. Be cautious not to take more than a total number of 30 mg in 24 hours.
- Drinking a lot of fluids: Even if you don’t feel like eating, do these. At all times, water is a good choice.
- Rest: Put in your mind that eventually, you’ll probably feel better. If your symptom gets worse, call your doctor right away. They will help you lessen the symptoms and make you feel better.